Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Beginning

I'm not going to bore you with clichés, or waste my time trying to think of them. This is about me trying to get what I want out of life, and keeping a blog to hold myself accountable. I don't even know if anyone will happen across this, but if they do maybe they will find inspiration or a "What Not To Do" story.

I'll start with some background into who I am, so that I'll be able to keep track of where I'm going and what progress I've made.

I'm a 22-year-old female college student from South Carolina. I'm majoring in Actuarial Mathematics and have a year and a half til I graduate. I plan on applying to graduate schools in London for Financial Mathematics, and my dream school is London School of Economics. I hope to intern and eventually work at Lloyd's of London. My reasoning for grad school in London as opposed to grad school in  the US is that I studied abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark for 6 months and loved it. I developed a overwhelming wanderlust and can't let go just yet. I want to enjoy my youth while I still have it.

I have a few other significant goals that I wish to achieve as well.

The first one is quite common, and has always been a source of frustration in my life. I'm overweight. Quite a bit overweight, actually. I will get into detail on that in my next post. I wish to lose enough weight to get into a healthy range. It won't magically solve all of my problems, but I will be healthier and not feel like such an outcast when looking for clothing or going out to social events.

The second goal is a bit less time consuming, but will be difficult for the first three weeks. I've had a habit of sucking my thumb since I was young. I've quit for a year, then started back on two occasions because of stress. I want to quit for good.

Third: In my introduction I mentioned education and career quite a bit. I do not want to become a drop-out or skip out on grad school and regret it. I don't want to end up in a dead-end job with no opportunities to travel. With that being mentioned...

My fourth goal is to travel. I traveled through 13 countries in Europe, some by myself, some with one other friend, and some with a group. I want to see the world, backpack, live in youth hostels, and live off of whatever I can find.

Finally, I'm an adrenaline junkie. I have quite a few things on my bucket list like bungee jumping, sky diving, and rock climbing that I would like to achieve. These are on the back burner and I will get to them once my larger goals are satisfied. At some point I will make a list.

So this is it. This is me quantifying my goals. Marking them down and making them tangible. Now onto my first goal.

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